Doing Family Right

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important relationships.

Tag Archives: pornography addiction

Podcast: Porn: Deadliness Of It, Grace For It, Recovery From It

A special Podcast with Matt Shantz from the Deep Thoughts Podcast. Dr. Dave Currie is a guest on this episode that goes into detail about overcoming pornography addiction. Dave talks with...

Podcast 126: Understanding the Trauma of Facing Your Husband’s Sexual Addiction

Podcast 126: PARTNERS IN PAIN: Understanding the Trauma of Facing Your Husband’s Sexual Addiction To help women face the horrific pain associated with their husband’s porn and sexual addiction giving the...

Podcast 121: RECOVERY 13—The 12-Step Program

Podcast 121: RECOVERY 13—Recovery Mechanics: “What" & “Why" of the 12-Step Program To help people understand and embrace the process and the benefits of the 12-Step Recovery Program used in our...

Podcast 117: RECOVERY 12—How Sexual Addicts’ Choices Hurt Their Partners

Podcast 117: RECOVERY 12—Cutting Your Losses—How Sexual Addicts’ Choices Hurt Their Partners To help the partner of a porn or sexual addict realize the multiple ways that they have been hurt...

Podcast 099: RECOVERY 9—Building a Sexual Recovery Plan

Podcast 099: RECOVERY 9—Building a Credible Sexual Recovery Plan Understanding the importance of the careful development of a solid and detailed plan for sexual and porn addiction recovery including choosing and...

Marriage: Next Steps in Pornography Recovery

Next Steps to Recovery from Pornography I can’t count the number of times men have come to me and asked, “Why won’t God give me the freedom I’m desperately seeking?” Even...

Podcast 095: RECOVERY 8—Practical Tips Toward Porn Recovery

Podcast 95: RECOVERY 8—The Hard Facts of the Porn Hurdle—Practical Tips toward Recovery Practical and pragmatic best practices to help individuals grasp how huge porn recovery is and what are the...

Podcast 086: RECOVERY 4—Sexual Addiction Triggers, Relapses & Facing Temptation

Podcast 86: RECOVERY 4—Sexual Addiction Triggers, Relapses & Facing Temptation You will need to master the art of “Thought Stopping” in your recovery efforts for sexual addiction. How do you stop...

Podcast 081: RECOVERY 1—The Scope and Impact of Pornography

Podcast 81: RECOVERY 1—The Porn Phenomenon—It’s Scope and Impact This is the first in our series on Pornography Recovery. We explore the breadth and depth of this growing cultural and societal...