Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Overcoming Baggage

Facing Temptation in Your Life

She came to me. Early twenties. Broken, confused and defeated. Why? She had repeatedly given in to the draw of being sexually intimate with her soon-to-be fiancé. She knew it was...

Journey Beyond Anxiety and a Life of Worry

Fear is a Liar: The Journey Beyond a Life of Worry Fear immobilizes countless people. Many lives are riddled with some form of incessant worry, heightened anxiety or foreboding dread. Fear can...

Marriage: Baggage in Your Marriage

Unpack Your Bags—Did you drag a trunk full of junk into your marriage? Communication? Money? Sex? For decades, these three famous challenges have been said to be the top three reasons...

Recovery from Depression

Kickstarting Your Recovery from Depression Having personally walked through depression in 2001 and then coaching hundreds of thousands of people in over 120 countries online since 2003, the most powerful plan...

Marriage: Facing Burnout in Your Family

What is Burnout? At the core, burnout starts showing itself with a person’s growing inability to emotionally cope and effectively carry out their normal life responsibilities. This causes us inner stress....

Marriage: Understanding the Emotional Turmoil of Mental Illness

HEADSPACE—Understanding the Turmoil of the Brokenhearted Someone in your world is hurting right now. No, they haven’t fallen and broken something. There was no ambulance or tow truck at the scene....

Marriage: The Masks We Wear—Who Are We Really?

I spoke recently at a single Parent retreat. The topic was “Masquerade” and our tendency to put on masks… to pretend to be someone we aren’t. Occasionally this is because we...

Marriage: Woodpeckers and Turtles—Do Opposites Attract or Attack (Take the Quiz)

Woodpecker-Turtle Quiz - Take it now! You’ve likely heard someone make reference to the celebrated book by Dr. John Gray, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”. In it,...

Marriage: I Did Not Marry My Best Friend and Here is Why…

It feels like I can’t get through 1 week without someone on Facebook announcing something like “15 years ago today I married my best friend” or a variation of those words. Well, I, for one,...

Marriage: Spring Cleaning of the Soul

Spring is the time of year for "spring cleaning". It is called so because of the urge most have for a new beginning—to deal with the clutter in our homes after...

Marriage: Escalating Domestic Violence in Marriage

When All Hell is Breaking Loose...A Marital Game Plan When Facing Escalating Domestic Violence If you are reading this, you are likely facing some significant pressures in your most important relationships...