Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Shaping Self-worth

Podcast 096: Building Confidence in Your Kids

Indelible Imprint: Getting Straight A’s on your Parent Report Card (Building Confidence in Your Kids) Like Parenting 101, we aim to help parents realize the 6 keys ways that they can...

Podcast 060: The Joys of Being “Dad”

We discuss the great gifts of being a father realizing the benefits of parenting well and the impact it has on future generations. It’s a great tribute to Dads beyond Father’s...

Podcast 059: Bully-Proof Your Kids

Bully-Proof: Helping Your Kids through the Hard Stuff Bullying is no longer just happening in the school ground. It’s taken wings online with cruel texts, threatening messages and public shaming on...

Podcast 052: The Benefits of Kids in Sport

Podcast 052: The Benefits of Kids in Sport Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, discuss the inherent benefits for children being in athletics? What does a great...

Podcast 022: Raising the Young Athlete

Podcast 22: The Sport Parent—Raising the Young Athlete Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, help parents find a healthy balance between backing their child vs pushing their...

Podcast 009: Preparing Your Kids to Face Drugs

The Agony with Ecstasy—Preparing Your Kids to Face Drugs Dr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane Dahl, focus on warning parents about the dangers and heartache of kids going...