Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Tag Archives: crisis

Podcast—Where was God in Las Vegas?

Where was God in Las Vegas? This topic is one of the most heart-felt questions of all time. Where was God in this tragedy? Why did He allow this to happen?...

God and Human Suffering: Part 3

Understanding God’s Perspective on Life’s Tragedies Part 3 of 3 on God and Human Suffering Why does God allow suffering in our lives? I get asked this more frequently than most...

God and Human Suffering: Part 2

Where is God When It Hurts? Part 2 of 3 on God and Human Suffering Tragedy after tragedy. Hurt upon hurt. Everyday it seems we hear more sad or heartbreaking news....

God and Human Suffering: Part 1

Where was God in Las Vegas? Part 1 of 3 on God and Human Suffering We have heard the unbelievable story of craziness and tragedy too many times. This time, it...

Marriage: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie—Helping a Friend in Marriage Crisis

Q: I’ve got a good friend whose marriage is “on the rocks”. They’ve got some big issues, but I really want to see them pull through this. How can I be...

Marriage: When Your Marriage Hits the Ditch

The conditions for the journey weren’t looking good as the air between them was cooling to an icy chill. Instability and uncertainty reflected long miles of bad road relationally. It’s true...