Doing Family Right

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important relationships.

Tag Archives: Marriage hope

Marriage: The Power Of A Full-On Apology

To keep any relationship strong, it is as much about how well you forgive as it is how well you love. The apology-forgiveness cycle is one of the hardest skills to...

Marriage: Baggage in Your Marriage

Unpack Your Bags—Did you drag a trunk full of junk into your marriage? Communication? Money? Sex? For decades, these three famous challenges have been said to be the top three reasons...

Marriage: The Value of Honest Disclosure

Coming Clean: The Value of Honest Disclosure When I was young, say ages 4–8, my mother would warn me—actually more like threaten me (add mom’s cross tone of voice)—“Don’t you dare...

Marriage: The Love Formula

Appreciate the Formula of Love As the years go by, without the right attention, it’s not uncommon for a marital relationship to begin to waver—as in fade or grow apart. Routine,...

Marriage: The ABC’s of Hugging

The ABC’s of Hugging Hugging is one of the core expressions of connection between human beings. We have come to know that affection, affirmation, attention and appreciation toward a developing child by...

Marriage: Drop the “EDGE”—A Journey into Graciousness

Let’s be clear—I’m a recovering “edge-aholic”. I will be speaking out of a deep, insatiable and ongoing need to deal with my own lack of graciousness. I have often said when I’m...

Marriage: The Power of Shared History

The Power of Shared History I have a unique, one-of-a-kind Shared History with Donalyn. It may be the richest gift we share with someone as human beings. Truly appreciating this mutual journey...

Marriage: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy

Loving in “3D”: Understanding Lasting Marital Intimacy The month this article went to print, Donalyn and I celebrated 44 years of marriage! That’s a ton of relational experience trying to get marriage...

Marriage: The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair

The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair *Story Used with Permission The key word is fantasy. More and more of us are living there it seems these days. It's the world...

Marriage: Opening up for Better Marital Connection

NOW YOU’RE TALKING: How to Open Up for Better Marital Connection To overcome misunderstandings and increase healthy interaction in marriage takes work for all of us. But listen, though we know intuitively...

Parenting: Putting Your Marriage First

4 Unexpected Ways to Put Your Children First (By Putting Your Marriage First) The second highest demographic for divorce is people who are married 25–30 years! Does this shock you? We have couples...

Marriage: Spring Cleaning of the Soul

Spring is the time of year for "spring cleaning". It is called so because of the urge most have for a new beginning—to deal with the clutter in our homes after...

Marriage: Developing a Marriage Mission Statement

Marriage: Developing a Marriage Mission Statement Know Why You are Developing a Mission Statement as a Couple Life is about choices. When you intentionally make the right decisions, so many things...

Marital Prayer Part 2: How to Start Praying Together

Marital Prayer Part 2: How to Pray Together Relational research shows that 92% of couples that call themselves Christians never pray together. “Tell me something new,” you say since you’re one...

Marital Prayer Part 1: What Happens When a Couple Prays Together?

Marital Prayer Part 1: What Happens When a Couple Prays Together? Praying together. It just sounds right. After all, shouldn’t couples that are supposedly seeking God be reaching out regularly as...