Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Category Archives: Marriage

Social Distancing or Social Exclusiveness

How Forced Changes of COVID-19 Can Improve Your Family Our current health crisis has called for social distancing. We are to stay away from others… 6 feet away! We are to...

eZine #67 | The Role Of A Lifetime Valentine

February eZine: The Role Of A Lifetime Valentine 5 Roles of a Lifetime Valentine What is a lifetime valentine? For me, it’s synonymous with success in marriage. It is best described...

eZine #65: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas

December eZine: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas I’m the out-spoken “Merry Christmas” guy in a world where it’s not politically correct. It’s my part of the fight. Though Season’s...

Marriage: The Power Of A Full-On Apology

To keep any relationship strong, it is as much about how well you forgive as it is how well you love. The apology-forgiveness cycle is one of the hardest skills to...

Marriage: The Kite & The Blender

The Kite & The Blender: Approach Extremes to Stress and Conflict The kite and the blender. To be honest, I see a lot of this between couples. Often, these two extreme...

Marriage: Preventing Your Own Divorce

Preventing Your Own Divorce: The Soft Heart Approach   “I have yet to see a marriage fall apart where both hearts are soft toward God." Let it sink in. Then, read it again....

Journey Beyond Anxiety and a Life of Worry

Fear is a Liar: The Journey Beyond a Life of Worry Fear immobilizes countless people. Many lives are riddled with some form of incessant worry, heightened anxiety or foreboding dread. Fear can...

Marriage: Analyzing Your Online World

Media Moderation: Analyzing Your Online World Notifications nudge us every minute. Each beep, squawk, buzz and vibration on our device beckons us to return to our online world. It’s the big world...

Lifting Up Others—Tips on Being an Encourager

Lifting Up Others—Up Close and Personal Tips on Being an Encourager To ENCOURAGE by definition means to give support, to foster confidence and to bring hope. The breadth of its current usage in our...

Marriage: Baggage in Your Marriage

Unpack Your Bags—Did you drag a trunk full of junk into your marriage? Communication? Money? Sex? For decades, these three famous challenges have been said to be the top three reasons...

Marriage: The Value of Honest Disclosure

Coming Clean: The Value of Honest Disclosure When I was young, say ages 4–8, my mother would warn me—actually more like threaten me (add mom’s cross tone of voice)—“Don’t you dare...

Recovery from Depression

Kickstarting Your Recovery from Depression Having personally walked through depression in 2001 and then coaching hundreds of thousands of people in over 120 countries online since 2003, the most powerful plan...

Marriage: The Love Formula

Appreciate the Formula of Love As the years go by, without the right attention, it’s not uncommon for a marital relationship to begin to waver—as in fade or grow apart. Routine,...

Marriage: The ABC’s of Hugging

The ABC’s of Hugging Hugging is one of the core expressions of connection between human beings. We have come to know that affection, affirmation, attention and appreciation toward a developing child by...

Marriage: Drop the “EDGE”—A Journey into Graciousness

Let’s be clear—I’m a recovering “edge-aholic”. I will be speaking out of a deep, insatiable and ongoing need to deal with my own lack of graciousness. I have often said when I’m...