Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Tag Archives: Faithfulness

eZine #80: Marriage Matters!

May eZine: Marriage Matters The All-Inclusive Attributes of an Amazingly Awesome Marriage….do we have your attention?! Grab your spouse and take our Marital Attribute Assessment and check out this article! Learn...

Podcast 135: RECOVERY 16 – Coming Clean: The Value of Honest Disclosure

Podcast 135: RECOVERY 16 - Coming Clean: The Value of Honest Disclosure   In this podcast, Dr. Dave covers the topic of Coming Clean. This podcast is set to help individuals...

Podcast: Porn: Deadliness Of It, Grace For It, Recovery From It

A special Podcast with Matt Shantz from the Deep Thoughts Podcast. Dr. Dave Currie is a guest on this episode that goes into detail about overcoming pornography addiction. Dave talks with...

eZine #74: Marriage: The Love Formula

October eZine: Marriage: The Love Formula Featured Article: The Love Formula As the years go by, without the right attention, it’s not uncommon for a marital relationship to begin to waver—as in...

Social Distancing or Social Exclusiveness

How Forced Changes of COVID-19 Can Improve Your Family Our current health crisis has called for social distancing. We are to stay away from others… 6 feet away! We are to...

eZine #65: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas

December eZine: What To Teach Your Kids This Christmas I’m the out-spoken “Merry Christmas” guy in a world where it’s not politically correct. It’s my part of the fight. Though Season’s...

Marriage: The Power of FAITHFULNESS

The Power of FAITHFULNESS—Keeping Your Promise in a World that Doesn’t Know How A few years back, I got inspired to go against the flow of culture and make a statement....

Marriage: 4 Ways to Create Exclusive Entanglement in Marriage

In our previous home, I had planted two clematis vines along our front walkway. Keep in mind I am no big gardener. Over time as they climbed up the posts, they began...

Marriage: Ripe for the Picking—The Top 10 Signs of Vulnerability to an Extra-Marital Affair

“Ripe for the picking” are words that describe fruit on a tree that is perfectly ready to be taken and devoured immediately - fresh, enticing, and delicious. The same concept can...

Marriage: Commitment—The First Pillar of an Amazing Marriage

Commitment—The First Pillar of an Amazing Marriage There was a time not too long ago when "till death do us part" meant just that. Divorce was rare and considered taboo. Okay,...

Marriage: Is There Two in Your Marriage, or Three?

Toward Understanding the Spiritual Dimension in Marriage Keep the two people in a marriage in mind when you read this: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help...

Marriage: Marital Mayhem

Four Principles Guaranteed to Mess Up Any Good Relationship From over three decades of working with couples, four principles have repeatedly surfaced as part of those marriages that fell apart. While...